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Vignette for iui or intra-uterine insemination


What is IUI?

IUI (IntraUterine Insemination) is a fertility treatment option for couples facing low sperm counts or unexplained infertility.

When is IUI recommended?

IUI may be recommended in cases of unexplained infertility or in cases where the sperm count is low. It is typically combined with medication to stimulate the ovaries (i.e. Clomid or gonadotropins), though it may also be used on its own in some cases of male factor infertility.

How is IUI performed?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure where sperm is placed directly inside the woman’s uterus, increasing her chances of becoming pregnant.
Know more about IUI treatment here.

What to expect during Intrauterine Insemination?

During an IUI, the woman lies on her back on an examination table and rests her feet in the supports. A speculum is inserted in the vagina and a long, thin, flexible tube is used to insert the prepared sperm sample through the vagina and cervix inside the uterus. This typically takes two to three minutes.

The woman may feel some cramping during the procedure, although this usually resolves quickly. After the sperm sample is inserted and the tube is removed, we ask the woman to lie still for approximately 10 minutes. The woman may then resume her normal activities, including returning to work.

Are there any complications after IUI procedure?

Serious complications of IUI are very rare. Common reactions include pelvic cramping, light bleeding, and vaginal discharge. If these problems are persistent or become severe, please call your nurse.


Dr. Pabon is absolutely incredible. We tried to conceive for over two years. In one month, Dr. Pabon was able to figure out what was wrong and I was able to get pregnant that cycle with IUI.

I am now 26 weeks pregnant and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our perfectly healthy baby boy. We cannot thank Dr. Pabon enough. We recommend him to anyone that is struggling with infertility.

–Kristen, N.., via Facebook

What are the chances of getting pregnant with IUI procedure?

The chance for pregnancy following IUI depends on the type of treatment that a patient is undergoing. For example, in an unmedicated cycle, IUI produces pregnancy rates of approximately 6-10%. Clomid/IUI cycles typically produce pregnancy rates of 8-12% per cycle, while gonadotropin/IUI cycles have pregnancy rates of 15-25% per cycle.

What is the first step in IUI?

Collecting a semen sample is the first step in Intrauterine Insemination.

The male partner will be instructed to obtain a semen sample by masturbation and ejaculation into a sterile container. The man should avoid ejaculating for two to five days before collecting the sample. The semen is then prepared in the laboratory to separate the active sperm from the inactive sperm and seminal fluid. The process is similar if donor sperm is used.

Some patients may not be able to collect sperm using this technique for religious or other reasons. An alternative is to use a special condom during intercourse to collect the sperm. If this is something you are interested in, please discuss this with your nurse or doctor.


Yes, we perform IUI (Intrauterine Insemiiniation) all the time for our patients. It is a frequent procedure that we’ve been performing since the opening of this clinic in 1999.

Our clinic and Dr. Pabon have one of the broadest experiences in IUI, IVF, ICSI and Preimplantation Genetic testing in the Southeastern United States.


We get this question a lot, so we decide to include the answer to it here.

IUI is done in the Clinic environment and a lab because it’s a complicated process. You can read about it on the next page.

It’s a short drive from Tampa to our Clinic and it takes less than an hour, if you go by I-75 (East shore of Tampa Bay) where the traffic is normally lighter than on I-275.

We have patients from Tampa, North Tampa, Brandon, and Riverview on regular basis. They say they were attracted by our warm personal approach of a private practice and did not mind the drive.

Here’s the map with driving directions from Tampa to our Clinic:

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