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Sex selection with IVF

Do You Know Who Is The Trusted Leader In Preimplantation Genetic Testing And Why

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“All PGS are not the same”

Fertility Center & Applied Genetics of Florida partners with leading genetic testing laboratory CooperGenomics to bring you the most advanced Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGD & PGS) available. CooperGenomics is a trusted leader in embryo testing and our partnership with them brings medicine from the lab bench to the bedside. Here are some of the benefits of partnering with the experts at CooperGenomics:

  • CooperGenomics has over 20 years’ experience in preimplantation genetic testing;
  • The expert scientists behind CooperGenomics performed the first ever PGS and PGD procedures and are truly pioneers in the field;
  • CooperGenomics has an experienced team of board-certified genetic counselors who will work with your family and our team to review testing processes, discuss results, and answer questions, making sure you feel empowered and informed.
  • CooperGenomics offers most robust and sophisticated PGS technology available. Compared to other lower resolution technologies, CooperGenomics’ high resolution PGS is performed on a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platform and is the only technology validated for the reliable detection of mosaicism. This gives our team the peace of mind we need to transfer the best possible embryo and give you the best chance at getting pregnant.

Preimpantation Genetic Screening PGS Whiteboard video

Preimpantation Genetic Diagnostics PGD Whiteboard video

Read about Preimplantation Genetic Testing in our Clinic.

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