© COPYRIGHT 2011-2025 Fertility Center and Applied Genetics of Florida. All Rights Reserved
Our team is the most experienced team in Florida in pre-implantation genetic testing of embryos.
Our first pregnancy for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for prevention of a genetic disease was achieved in late 1999 with a live birth in 2000. In 2012, our IVF embryo biopsy program shifted from day 3 blastomere biopsies to day 5, 6, and sometimes day 7 blastocyst laser assisted trophectoderm biopsies and almost exclusively Single thawed euploid (23 chromosomes) embryo transfers.
Since then, more than 98% our IVF treatments include genetic testing of embryos in order to try to implant single embryos to prevent all the very serious complications that can occur with twin and higher order pregnancies.
Our clinic performs genetic testing of embryos for many reasons. These include advanced maternal age, previous known recessive or sex linked genetic diseases, Translocations, Fragile X, and sex selection IVF.
Most of our younger patients and those doing egg donor IVF also request PGTa (pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy). Well informed patients are aware of the IVF statistics that even young patients make 40% genetically abnormal embryos. Implanting an embryo that has been reported to have 23 pairs of chromosomes improves the chance of pregnancy, reduces the risk of a miscarriage, and also allows patients to know that they are storing normal embryos for the future.
The following IVF statistics show the year-over-year results of Single Euploid embryo transfer program in our Clinic in Sarasota, FL.
All ages of patients treated are combined because with Euploid embryos, the age of the recipient does not matter. Older patients make fewer Euploid embryos and their subsequent pregnancy chances are the same as long as the uterus is normal.
2021: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing Frozen/Thawed embryo transfers pregnancy rates (positive preg. test) = 78%.
Ongoing pregnancies = 65%. Data from January to June.
2021: Above includes one twin pregnancy from the transfer of two lower grade embryos after a previous failed transfer.
2020: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing Frozen/Thawed embryo transfers pregnancy rates (positive preg. test) = 72%.
Ongoing pregnancies or live births = 61%
2020: Above includes one twin pregnancy from single embryo transfer that resulted in identical twins.
2019: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing Frozen/Thawed embryo transfers pregnancy rates (positive preg. test) = 81%.
Ongoing pregnancies or live births = 64%
2019: Above include 2 twin pregnancies from the only 2 transfers with 2 embryos
2018: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing Frozen/Thawed embryo transfers pregnancy rates (positive preg. test) = 70%
Live births = 57%
In 2018, there were 7 thawed PGS embryo transfers when 2 embryos were transferred. Six resulted in pregnancies, two of them being twin pregnancies.
2017: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing Frozen/Thawed embryo transfers pregnancy rates (positive preg. test) = 77%
Live births = 52%*
In 2017, there was 1 treatment when 2 thawed embryos were transferred after PGS and that resulted in our only twin pregnancy for 2017.
*In 2017 there was one unknown result for live birth. There was also 1 single embryo transfer (only one embryo implanted) that resulted in a twin pregnancy with live birth of twins. Also, in 2017 there were 3 thawed PGS embryo transfers when 2 embryos were transferred. Two resulted in pregnancies (one twin live birth and one singleton live birth).
2016: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing Frozen Thawed embryo transfers pregnancy rates (positive preg. test) = 81%
Live births = 62%
In 2016 there were 4 thawed PGTa embryo transfers when 2 embryos were transferred. All resulted in pregnancies. Three were singleton births and one was a twin birth.
The word “Euploid” is a genetic term that describes the presence of a normal number (23 pairs) of chromosomes. Single Euploid Embryo Transfer IVF Statistics are what really matter. IVF treatments are changing as are IVF statistics. We are among the most progressive IVF clinics in the world that have embraced new technologies that have improved the embryo selection process.
It is well known that the most common complication of Assisted Reproductive Techniques are the complicated multiple pregnancies (twins, triplet, and higher number pregnancies) that result when more than one embryo is implanted. For example, twin pregnancies have as much as a 4-6 times higher risk of congenital anomalies, 4-6 times higher risk of cerebral palsy, as well as many other pregnancy complications including a 4 times higher risk of fetal death and need for a cesarean section. With that in mind, top doctors and scientists have tried to develop new IVF technology for selecting single embryos for transfer for all patients regardless of the mother’s age.
Past protocols were simply based on the appearance of the embryos. It had been standard practice to implant or transfer 1 or 2 embryos if the patient’s age was less than 32, 2 embryos if the age was 32-36, 2-3 embryos would be implanted if the patient was 36-39 years old and so on. Patients in their 40’s would routinely receive 4-5 embryos. This was the case because the older the egg, the higher the chance of a genetic abnormality that would prevent development past the earliest stages. For the past 20 years, the average twin pregnancy rate per IVF in the younger patients was 25-30%. That was such a large number that if one saw a twin pregnancy or twins, there was 65% chance that the pregnancy was the result of some type of Assisted reproductive technique.
Our goal has been to apply technologies that would give us so much information about the embryo that we could shift our IVF program to a single embryo transfer program regardless of the maternal age. That is, for example, a 23 year old, a 35 year old, a 43 year old would all have the same plan for a single embryo transfer and therefore avoid the risks associated with a multiple pregnancy.
We have been leaders in Florida in the application of pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) as evidenced by our first pregnancy in 1999 and the subsequent delivery of that healthy baby girl in 2000.
From 1999 until the present, the instruments, techniques, and processing of the cells from the embryos have evolved so that we gather more information and have much more reliable results. From 1999 until the end of 2012, we based our decisions on one or two cells taken from a 3 day old embryo. Since 2013, we have shifted to testing the 5 or 6 day old embryo. This allows us to test a smaller portion of the embryo and at the same time test a larger number of cells (8-10) that are more advanced. These cells are from the trophectoderm or future placenta.
We report what really matters: cumulative age IVF statistics per single euploid (23 pairs of chromosomes detected) embryo transfers.
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