Sex Selection (a.k.a. Gender Selection, a.k.a. Family Balancing) is the term for control of gender selection to achieve a more balanced representation of both genders in a family. Gender is selected via technology called Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) or Diagnosis (PGD) to examine the chromosomal make-up of an embryo. Once the genetic test results are known, the embryo of the desired gender is used for the IVF.
Is Sex Selection IVF ethically appropriate?
What if all the pre-embryos are of the opposite sex that we desire?
There may not be any normal pre-embryos in any particular treatment cycle. Very abnormal pre-embryos may arrest or stop growing prior to reaching the blastocyst stage for biopsy. Also, the results of the genetic tests may not yield a normal chromosome complement of the desired gender. These results are very disappointing, but are a reality of the biology involved.
Patients must decide whether they wish to freeze normal pre-embryos of the opposite sex desired or if they would accept them for implantation.
What are the procedures like?
Patients will have a thorough consultation that can be in person (local patients) or via SKYPE or on the phone. Dr. Pabon prefers SKYPE instead of the phone because he can share his desktop with the patients and show tables and images to patients during the remote consultation.
Patients will be prepared for Sex Selection IVF in the usual manner.
They will be required to do some routine labs and pre-tests as described in the IVF patient guide.
Are the procedures safe?
Modern Sex Selection IVF procedures are extremely safe. There have been recent changes in the ovarian stimulation and the egg maturation trigger that have virtually eliminated the risk of severe ovarian swelling or “ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.”
Recently, we have applied new science in order to trigger most of our higher responding patients with a very gentle “agonist trigger.” This strategy leads to a very mild ovulation that leads to only mild ovarian enlargement and low risks of ovarian hyperstimulation.
What are the initial steps?
The first step is to become an established patient of our clinic. Then
- Intended parents will have a thorough consultation that can be in person (local patients) or via SKYPE (preferred) or on the phone.
- Patients will be prepared for IVF in the usual manner.
- They will be required to do some routine labs and pre-tests as described in the IVF patient guide.
- PGS/PGD is performed on pre-embryos to determine their future gender via their chromosomal make-up.
- The embryo of the desired gender is then used for the implantation.

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