Dr. Pabon Performing a Microsurgical Tubal Reversal
Copyright J. Pabon collection
Tubal Reversals Are More Successful Than You May Think
Tubal reversals are successful and affordable when performed by an experienced microsurgeon that has specialized in tubal reversals. The best tubal ligation reversal surgeon for you may not be the most affordable, but the most experienced and well trained. I am often surprised when I speak with other physicians about all the reversals that I do. It seems that most people in general are not aware that more than 70% of my tubal reversal patients become pregnant.
I was surprised when I attended an international fertility conference in Europe and in speaking with fertility doctors from Spain I learned that reversals are not commonly done there. Instead, they treat all patients with IVF.
United States trained physicians may not be aware that the tubal ligation reversal can be done as an outpatient procedure with minimal down time. Patients often come to me already knowing whether they want IVF or a reversal. It seems that it is a matter of personal preference and cost. Tubal reversals can be quite affordable when the surgeon is experienced, efficient, and does enough of them to be able to negotiate better pricing for his or her patients.
My tubal reversal patients like the convenience of having their surgery on a Thursday and Friday and then resting over the weekend. Those whose work does not demand physical activity often return to work by the following week.
Julio E. Pabon, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
C.E.O. Fertility Center and Applied Genetics of Florida
Assistant clinical professor/Florida State Univ. College of Medicine

copyright J. Pabon collection