Where, how, and by whom should the sperm test or semen analysis be done?
As a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist with over 23 years experience in the evaluation and treatment of couples with infertility, I only accept semen analyses performed in laboratories where the personnel is very experienced in this test. The most qualified technicians for this test are usually found in clinics that treat the most severe infertility problems with in vitro fertilization. In a state like Florida, the most qualified technicians for performing a semen analysis work with IVF clinics.
If a patient comes to see me for consultation, I will always repeat the semen analysis unless it was done within the past six months by our lab or the lab of one of our colleague Reproductive Endocrinologists and Infertility specialists. I can recall many patients over my career that have been treated incorrectly by other clinicians that based their treatment decisions on incorrect results. These patients were treated with simple ovulation induction and inseminations when they should have been treated with IVF from the beginning.
The semen analysis requires attention to detail and an understanding of very subtle motility and morphology aspects of the sperm cells that requires ongoing quality control and expert oversight.
Please read more about the semen analysis test in the Andrology and sperm testing section of our web site at www.geneticsandfertility.com
In order to schedule an appointment for a sperm analysis, please contact our offices at 239-333-2229 or 941-787-2287 or by email through our web site at www.geneticsandfertility.com or by direct email at drpabonadmin@geneticsandfertility.com
Most Sincerely,
Julio E. Pabon, M.D., F.A.C.O.G

Medical and Laboratory Director
Fertility Center and Applied Genetics of Florida
Assistant Clinical Professor, Florida State University College of Medicine
Former President and Current Board Member, Florida Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Sarasota and Bonita Springs, Florida
(941) 787-2287 / (239) 333-2229