“I Want Twins” ..IVF Twins..Twin Complications
“I Want Twins” …IVF Twins… IVF and Twin Complications Attention all patients looking for IVF Doctor that will help them have twins “We want IVF
Fertility IVF TV Show 2015 : Casting Call
JV Productions Plans a Fertility IVF TV Show 2015. CASTING CALL A renowned television production company is seeking families for a new series surrounding fertility.
Same Sex Marriage Ruling By The Supreme Court
Summer Flowers of Edinburgh Copyright J. Pabon collection The United States Supreme Court ruled today in a 5 to 4 vote that same sex marriages
Tampa Fertility Patient Reviews Dr. Pabon In Sarasota
More and more Tampa Fertility patients travel to Sarasota for expert and personal fertility treatments. Here is a recent Review as seen on Google. Thank
Recurrent Miscarriages Need Evaluation
Hello. Last week I received a phone call from a Dear patient that had a tubal reversal not too long ago. It seems that the
Florida IVF Fertility Doctor Breaks Protocol And Succeeds With Divine Intervention!!
Dr. Pabon in Sarasota Fertility Doctor Breaks from Protocol and succeeds with Divine Intervention! Yes, it’s true. Sometimes one has to be flexible. A few