Congrats Dr. Pabon From Sarasota And Bonita Springs For Being Recognized As A “Top Doctor” In 2014
Dr. Julio E. Pabon, Greetings! You have been nominated again this year as one of Sarasota’s Top Doctors. For the 14th year, Castle-Connolly Medical Ltd. (America’s trusted
Do Fertility Drugs Increase The Risk Of Ovarian Cancer?
Fertility Drugs like Clomid, Menopur, Pergonal, Gonal F, Follistim, and others have been used for many years to induce ovulation in both women who don’t
Fox News Medical “A” Team Incendiary Statements About PGD
Failure to Understand the role of PGS and PGD Preventing Genetic Diseases I am a frequent watcher of Fox and Friends in the morning. I
Fertility Clinic Tampa Patient Testimonial
From our Tampa IVF Patient: Our Tampa IVF patient left us this passionate review on Google. She traveled from Tampa for all her appointments (around
Postmenopausal age pregnancy: How Old is Too Old to Be a Parent?
Postmenopausal age fertility? Is it too late to become a parent? This is a difficult question. As Reproductive Endocrinologists, it seems that the boundaries of
Sex Selection IVF & Family Balancing
Sex Selection IVF & Family Balancing Technology Sex selection IVF by Laser blastocyst trophectoderm biopsies and PGS with microarray 24 chromosome complete genomic hybridization techniques